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This is a place for learning, growing, and thriving throughout the seasons. To share methods of cultivating, processing, and preserving harvests of all kinds. A place to exchange stories, family traditions and perhaps create new ones.

Only rule is to remain civil. We have a common goal of self reliance and sustainability but there are many paths to reach that destination.

Roads that lead to our dreams are often rough. Ours come true where the grass, dirt, and gravel meet. Welcome to Rough Road Homestead!

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

RoughRoadHomestead Community | Powered by Locals